You are cordially invited to the first ever viewer nominated YouTube Awards Ceremony! This Saturday, we of the Centrifuge and 1138 Bergen are throwing a 21st century awards show ceremony to end all 21st Century awards show ceremonies, where we'll screen and name the top YouTube videos in an assortment of fun categories AS VOTED BY YOU!!! It's sure to be the g-chat of the town!
All this towards mounting the upcoming production of
a new play by Jaclyn Backhaus, directed by Andrew Neisler, produced by The Centrifuge.
(check back for more information on this production soon)
1. Check out THE EVENT You click Attending. You know you wanna.
2. Send an e-mail to TheToobies@gmail.com that contains your votes for best Video in each of the categories (or as many as you want to) at the bottom of this section. You will also receive a reduced ballot/open bar price of $8 for doing this.
3. We compile all of the most popular submissions into ballots that you vote on upon your arrival to the party!
4. We screen your picks, and some honorable mentions, via projector (we're legit!) at 11:30pm, Saturday February 21st 2009
(send us an email and VOTE!! You can submit the same video for multiple categories!!!):
Funniest Video by an Ensemble or Group
Funniest Video by a Solo Artist
Best Animated Video
Best Music Video
Best Election '08 Video
Best Video Direction/Composition
Best Foreign Video
Best FAIL Video
Best Video Yet
and last but not least:
****Best Original Video****
- this is specifically for those of you who've created a video. Post a link on the Wall of this event so we can all see your work and submit!
This event is sponsored by Sixpoint Craft Ale.
Price for a bottomless cup and a ballot: $10
*Discounted price for submitting to TheToobies@gmail.com: $8*
We sincerely hope you join us and vote in this most momentous of events!!
We can't wait to see you there and what the night shall bring.
See you on Saturday!!!
Take the A/C train into Brooklyn to the Nostrand Avenue stop. Walk on Nostrand Avenue with traffic, uphill until Bergen St. (about 7 blocks). Make a left, our house is on the right, almost at New York Avenue. **quickest way**
Take the 3/5 into Brooklyn to Nostrand Avenue or President Street. Find your way to Eastern Parkway and Nostrand and walk against traffic until Bergen St. (about 10 blocks). Make a right.
The B44, B43, and B65 buses also take you right in the vicinity of the party!!