by Jaclyn Backhaus
Conceived and directed by Andrew Neisler
Produced for The Centrifuge by Andrew Scoville
207 Starr Street
(L Train to Jefferson, Half Block South on Starr Street)
Thursday March 26- Sunday March 29
All Performances at 8:00pm
$15 Tickets at door.
$10 with code ACORN
to make reservation email: thecentrifugeny@gmail.com
This new play by Jaclyn Backhaus, follows the journey of Peter Pan as he lives and relives an age-old story that everybody knows their place in, save for himself. While he may escape the uncertainty and the hardships of adulthood, those around him see what he will lose—the heartache that gives way to true love, the silence found in fond memory—and they also see one girl with the power to make him remember. In this fast-paced, whimsical, multi-disciplinary theatre experience, The Centrifuge explores the nature of stories, their power to construct the past, their liberation of the present, and their crucial role in growing up.
Featuring: Stevo Arnoczy, Jessie Barr*, Cherrye Davis, Lena Hudson, Michael Lister, Yael Miriam, David Morris, Claire Rothrock, and Turner Smith
Creative Team: Ellie Famutimi, Laura Lashley, Andrew Scovile, Jenny Beth Snyder, Drew Vanderburg and Alyssa Yackley