Led by their founding pig, The Theatrical Assembly of Self-Realized Animals, better known as TASRA, has set out to prove humans shouldn't be telling animal stories. Here they have enlisted only the most self-realized barnyard animals to introduce you to their farm and their story. But in a world where the issue of human-animal relations is rarely talked about, is there room for TASRA? More importantly, will anyone listen?
Join the assembly as they act, sing, dance, and explore their theatrical capabilities in this precious parody.
The Theatrical Aseemlby of Self-Realized Animals Presents
Our Farm
by Andrew Farmer
directed by Andrew Neisler
Jaclyn Backhaus, Nigel DeFriez, Grace Folsom, Rafael Goldstein, Alex Johnson, John Kurzynowski, Max Reuben, Claire Rothrock, Ryann Weir, and Alyssa Yackley
Set Design by Karina Martins
Costume Design by Ellie Famutimi
Lighting Design by Gloria Johnson
Sound Design by Rob Ribar
Projection Design by Andrew Scoville and Jonathan Solari
Stage Management by Jes Levine
Produced by Cat Machak and Emily Hammerman in association with The Centrifuge
at The Cherry Pit, 155 Bank Street, New York
Saturday, September 26
Wednesday, September 30
Thursday, October 1st
Friday, October 2nd
Saturday, October 3rd
Tickets are only $15
go to smarttix.com for reservations